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How Long Do Boilers Last?

Boilers are an essential part of any home and are crucial to keeping your property running smoothly. However, when things go wrong, it can be incredibly frustrating. On average, most boilers will last around 15 years, but there are certain things you can do to help maximise its longevity and keep it operating as long as possible:

Choose a quality system

To maximise the performance of your boiler, make sure that you choose a high quality and reliable boiler manufacturer. Investing in the best boiler you can afford will minimise the risk of a breakdown and extend its lifespan.

Choose the right boiler for your home

Another essential tip to help you extend the longevity of your boiler is to ensure you are using the right size boiler for your property. Opting for one that is too small can place significant pressure on your system and cause it to break down more frequently. However, one that is too powerful will lead to higher heating bills.

Have it serviced

An annual boiler service is essential in keeping your boiler in the very best condition, ensuring it can continue to heat your home for as long as possible. An experienced engineer will be able to thoroughly examine and service your boiler, identifying any signs of natural wear and tear and helping to prevent you from experiencing a breakdown.

Looking to keep your boiler in the best condition?

If you are looking to keep your boiler in the best condition, or you want to replace your existing boiler with a more energy efficient option, Glasgow Boiler Experts are here to help you. Our highly experienced team are able to provide a wide range of services, from boiler installation and repair to replacement and servicing, we can help you keep your home running as efficiently as possible.

Want to find out how we can help you? Get in touch today!

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Mark Jackson
Broken heating? New boiler? Leaking pipe? No problem! With over 10-years of industry experience, Mark knows all there is to know about boilers. By sharing his knowledge, he helps customers to make informed decisions that are right for them and their home.
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